Dark cliffs and a dark fjord in the foreground, with a large ship illuminated by a ray of light amidst dark surroundings on a fjord in the background

Laws and regulations in Svalbard's waters

National and local laws and regulations are currently being revised, and the consequence for sailing in Svalbard waters will be considerable. The total ban of heavy fuel oil was introduced in 2022, and further decisions in environmental and maritime sectors are expected in near future.

Below we've listed links to sources where information on current laws and regulations that either are relevant to, or apply directly to, cruise operations in Svalbard.


- Longyearbyen lokalstyre
- The Governor of Svalbard


- The Norwegian Government
- The Norwegian Coastal Administration
- The Norwegian Maritime Authority
- Hovedredningssentralen (Norwegian Rescue Services)
- SAR Cooperation plan

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